Nice, sounds a tad bit of Mario and Sonic!!
Nice intro...holy! Where did that guitar come from? And where did the intro music go, it was taken over from the drums!
Hey, listen, nice job, but u got some thigns to revise!
#1. Nice intro...its so nice and all, but then the harp comes along and scares the crap of the listener! Change the harp so that is slowly follows in and steadily increases in volume wise!
#2. Dude, the intro was nice...make ur drums not that high in volume wise, lower them a bit so that u can hear the intro, then when u get into the auctual song itself then u can increase the vol. on the drums!
#3. Make the song so that every piece comes to gether, it sounds as if u took the song a pasted them together...very choppy wise!
#4. When u have the harp and the pluck sound together..its nice but then the drums come and then u cant hear the harp and the pluck sound, so fix that, also music does not suddenly start and then stop...there has to be a follow through with the song...especially the drums! But good job, just fix the drums alright!!
Good job and good luck in ur music creating life!!